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For those who have eyes to see 

and ears to hear 

Engage more deeply with yourself and your Higher "Divine" Self,


to develop your potential

to reunite the yin and yang within you and

to live your true self on earth,

can be found in our holistic SOPHIA Consciousness School

access to meditations to raise your consciousness,

you can book individual events or

take advantage of our seminars and workshops.

If you change your view of the world, you change your world. As on the inside, so on the outside. Unfold your potential, free your soul and integrate your divinity. Every human being is born as an incarnated divine being, is part of the Great Whole and has all the divine attributes within him. I would like to support you in developing these skills that lie dormant in you and bringing them back to life.

I work with millennia-old wisdom and proven knowledge 
ermeticism, access to the Sophia field of consciousness, the Kabbahlistic Tree of Life, psychological astrology and elemental forces and the Gnostic writings of antiquity and Christianity in order to be able to overcome one's own path of suffering. 


Also through invocations on our SOPHIA Circle Journeys™ you will learn to develop your own approach and your own powers individually at your own pace through your Higher Self and your divine source, to love yourself and others and to forgive yourself and others. 

Empower yourself!

13 Circles, bi-weekly,
starting on Tuesday 5th November 2024

13 Zirkel, 14-tägig,
beginnend mit Mi 6. Nov 2024

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