SOPHIA Circle Journey (EN)
A journey through The SOPHIA Code with eight Ascended Master Mentors
The SOPHIA Code is a book channeled by the American medium KAIA RA, which shows our most primordial blueprint (the SOPHIA Code) for us. This SOPHIA Code is a quantum-physical light code transmission directly into our crystalline DNA strands in order to reactivate our true self, our Higher Self, and thus our destiny on Earth. Through the wisdom, experiences and deep devotion of eight revealed Ascended Masters, the Divine Feminine in us men and women is reactivated and integrated. This brings the longed-for balance on earth, which we need in our masculine-dominant world in order to come back into our power and bliss. 13 chapters through the SOPHIA Code Invoking eight Ascended Masters: Isis, Hathor, Green Tara, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, and the SOPHIA Dragons A Deep Transformative Journey in the Sacred Space and Temple of SOPHIA
Bevorstehende Sessions
Karl-Leitl-Straße 1, 4048 Puchenau, Österreich