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Psychological & spiritual


The holistic journey of discover one's own self and my therapeutic approach is supported by psychologically proven practices of systemic coaching, family therapy and NLP, but also by shadow work based on Greek archetypes as well as hermetic and anthroposophical principles. Through my incfreasingly growing Sophia consciousness, my intuitive, heart-guided holistic accompaniment allows healing through the higher vibration. I accompany you to your holistic physical, psychological and spiritual development of potential, so that you can come into your power and live out your divine being on Earth. 

Therapeutic one-on-one Sessions

You, your skills and your potential will be the focus and empathetically we will work together to develop strategies, goals and new solutions to overcome life difficulties in order to finally be able to look ahead. I help you to fully exploit your potential and to experience fun and joy in life again. An astrological interest is also an advantage.

Online sessions are also possible.

Fee: € 88,- per session*

*OnesSession = 1 hour

Coaching for Adolescents/Young Adults
(11-25 years)


In addition, I offer social tariffs and an open door for all young people who need someone to talk to, including young people in special circumstances or with difficulties in life who need support for a better life.

I offer a non-judgmental open ear and empathetic accompaniment, so that these young people also have a chance to lead a beautiful life and can learn to develop their potential slowly but surely.

"My goal is to enable young people to be independent in life so that they can freely develop their potential."

Online sessions are also possible.

"It comes from the heart!"

Dr. Johannes Slacik

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